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Tara Andrews

Digital Humanities

History of DH

Winter, Thomas: Roberto Busa, S.J., and the Invention of the Machine-Generated Concordance, in: Faculty Publications, Classics and Religious Studies Department, 1999. Online: DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska – Lincoln, <http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/classicsfacpub/70>, Stand: 17.02.2015.
Unsworth, John: What Is Humanities Computing and What Is Not?, Forum Computerphilologie, 2002, <http://computerphilologie.digital-humanities.de/jg02/unsworth.html>, Stand: 17.02.2015.
Hockey, Susan: The History of Humanities Computing, in: Schreibmann, Susan; Siemens, Ray; Unsworth, John (Hg.): Companion to Digital Humanities, Oxford 2004. Online: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, <https://companions.digitalhumanities.org/DH/?chapter=content/9781405103213_chapter_1.html>, Stand: 17.02.2015.
Jones, Steven E.: Eversion, in: Jones, Steven E.: The Emergence of the Digital Humanities, New York 2014. Online: Tumblr, <http://emergenceofdhbook.tumblr.com/post/59772273737/you-can-now-read-the-introduction-at-the> Stand: 17.02.2015.

Definitions of DH

Nowviskie, Bethany: Eternal September of the Digital Humanities, nowviskie.org, 15.10.2010, <http://nowviskie.org/2010/eternal-september-of-the-digital-humanities/>, Stand: 17.02.2015.
Gold, Matthew K. (Hg.): Debates in the digital humanities, Minneapolis 2012. Online: The Graduate Center, City University of New York, <http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu>, Stand: 18.02.2015.
e-Humanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences: Web Documentary Digital Humanities in the BeNeLux Regio, 2014, <http://www.ehumanities.nl/web-documentary-digital-humanities>, Stand: 18.02.2015.
Burdick, Anne; Drucker, Johanna; Lunefeld, Peter; u. a.: A Short Guide to the Digital_Humanities, in: Burdick, Anne; Drucker, Johanna; Lunefeld, Peter; u. a. (Hg.): Digital humanities, Cambridge, MA 2012, S. 121–135.

Learning DH

Crymble, Adam; Gibbs, Fred; McDaniel, Caleb; u. a.: The Programming Historian, <http://programminghistorian.org>, Stand: 18.02.2015.
Terras, Melissa; Vanhoutte, Edward; Van den Branden, Ron: TEI By Example, <http://www.teibyexample.org/>, Stand: 18.02.2015.

Empfohlene Ressourcen von Nutzern

Kitchin, Rob: Big Data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts, in: Big Data & Society, 01.04.2014. Online: SAGE Journals, <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2053951714528481>, Stand: 17.02.2016. Licence: Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 3.0
Noiret, Serge: Informatica, storia e storiografia: la storia si fa digitale, in: Memoria e Ricerca 28, 2008, S. 189–201. Online: <https://www.academia.edu/34693786/_Informatica_storia_e_storiografia_la_storia_si_fa_digitale_in_Memoria_e_Ricerca_n.28_maggio-agosto_2008_pp.189-201>.