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Martine Clouzot

Martine Clouzot

Martine Clouzot is Professor of medieval history at the University of Burgundy (France).

She is specialized in the images of music in the medieval illuminated manuscripts (13th-15th c.). She has published in French: - Music, Madness and Nature in the Middle Ages: representations of musician madmen in the illuminated books between the 13th and 15th centuries (images and texts), Bern, Peter Lang, 2014. - The Juggler, Memory of the Image. Figures, representations and musicality in the illuminated manuscripts, 1200-1330, Bern, Peter Lang Verlag, 2011, - Images of musicians (1350-1500). Typologies, representations and social practices, Brepols, 2008. She was co-organiser of the exhibition Middle Ages. Between Order and Disorder (2004) at the Instrumental Music Museum of Paris. The publication of her next book by Brepols, Music and musicality in the Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts (13th and 15th centuries) is in preparation. Actually, her researches deal with medieval illuminations, animals and music, especially birdsongs with several colleagues, in different interdisciplinary perspectives. A collective book entitled Birdsong in the Societies of the Past and Today. An Interdisciplinary Research, is in preparation. In parallel, she is conducting an innovative and collaborative project in the field of sciences of engineering and artificial languages.


Marie-José Gasse-Grandjean

Marie-José Gasse-Grandjean

Marie-José Gasse-Grandjean is a Research Engineer at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, University of Burgundy (France).

She has a dual training, she works, publishes, in both medieval history and about digital tools. Her doctoral research was dealing with the books and manuscripts of the Vosges abbeys in the Middle Age. Then she was very committed to two pioneer IT projects in diplomatic discipline, Chartes originales antérieures à 1121 conservées en France (Artem project, 1994-2004) and Chartae Burgundiae Medii Aevi (CBMA project, 2004-2014). She is currently involved in the project of Dictionnaire topographique de la France (CTHS) and the FolimageS project (UMR ARTEHIS). Her publications focus on both the medieval rural history (bannus, obituary, cartulary-register, pancarta, charter-inscription, curtilum, cellula, toponyms) and the tools of this research (database, list and index, medieval Latin dictionary, text mining tool, digitization, electronic publication, website, geolocalisation).
