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Valérie Schafer & Alexandre Serres

Histories of the Internet and The Web

Part 1 : Visionaries and the issue of origins


Bush, Vannevar: As We May Think, in: The Atlantic, 07.1945. Online: The Atlantic, <http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/>, Stand: 22.07.2016.
Engelbart, Douglas C.: Augmenting Human Intellect. A Conceptual Framework, Doug Engelbart Institute, 1962, <http://www.dougengelbart.org/pubs/augment-3906.html>, Stand: 22.07.2016.
Nelson, Theodor Holm: L’hypertexte, Xanadu et la réedition virtuelle, La Revue des Ressources, 24.04.2013, <http://www.larevuedesressources.org/ted-nelson-l-hypertexte-xanadu-et-la-reedition-virtuelle,2536.html>, Stand: 22.07.2016.
McCarthy, John: Reminiscences on the Theory of Time-Sharing, 1983, <http://jmc.stanford.edu/computing-science/timesharing.html>, Stand: 22.07.2016.
Licklider, J. C. R.: Man-Computer Symbiosis, in: In Memoriam: J. C. R. Licklider 1915-1990, Palo Alto 1990, S. 1–20. Online: <https://groups.csail.mit.edu/medg/people/psz/Licklider.html>, Stand: 25.07.2016.

Research papers

Abbate, Janet: Cold war and white heat. The origins and meanings of packet switching, in: MacKenzie, D.; Wajcman, J. (Hg.): The Social Shaping of Technology, Buckingham 1999, S. 1–13. Online: The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, <https://eecs.wsu.edu/~taylorm/2012_VAST/Abbate.Cold.War.and.White.Heat.Packet.Switching.pdf>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Flichy, Patrice: Internet ou la communauté scientifique idéale, in: Réseaux 17 (97), 1999, S. 77–120. Online: Persee, <https://dx.doi.org/10.3406/reso.1999.2168>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Cardon, Dominique: Préface : Les origines hippies de la révolution digitale, in: Turner, Fred: Aux sources de l’utopie numérique, Caen 2012, S. 11–32. Online: <https://cfeditions.com/utopieNumerique/ressources/utopieNumerique_Specimen.pdf>, Stand: 28.07.2016.
Campbell-Kelly, Martin; Garcia-Swartz, Daniel D.: The History of the Internet. The Missing Narratives, in: SSRN Scholarly Paper, 02.12.2005. Online: papers.ssrn.com, <https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.867087>, Stand: 25.07.2016.

Part 2 : The network of networks, between technique and politics


Leiner, Barry M.; Cerf, Vinton G.; Clark, David D. u. a.: Brief History of the Internet, Internet Society, 2003 (Updated 2012), <http://www.internetsociety.org/internet/what-internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
McKenzie, Alexander: INWG and the Conception of the Internet. An Eyewitness Account, in: IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 33 (1), 2011, S. 66–71. Online: Alex McKenzie, <http://alexmckenzie.weebly.com/inwg-and-the-conception-of-the-internet-an-eyewitness-account.html>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
RFC Editor et al.: 30 Years of RFCs, in: RFC 2255, 07.04.1999. Online: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2555>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Hauben, Michael: The Net and Netizens. The Impact the Net has on People’s Lives, in: Hauben, Michael; Hauben, Ronda: Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet, Los Alamitos (CA) 1996, S. 3–34. Online: <http://www.columbia.edu/~rh120/ch106.x01>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Gore, Al: Remarks Prepared for Delivery by Vice President Al Gore, ibiblio - The Public’s Library and Digital Archive, 11.01.1994, <http://www.ibiblio.org/icky/speech2.html>, Stand: 25.07.2016.

Research papers

Fluckiger, Francois: The European Researchers' Network, in: La Recherche 328, 2000, S. 24-32. Online: <https://fluckiger.web.cern.ch/Fluckiger/Articles/F.Fluckiger-The_European_Researchers_Network.pdf>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Kelty, Christopher: Sharing Source Code, in: Two Bits, The Cultural Significance of Free Software, Durham, London 2008, S. 118–143. Online: Framabook, <https://framabook.org/docs/Histcultlib/Complements/FBook_Kelty_sharing_source_Code_trad_CPaloqueBerges_CCByNCSA.pdf>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Russell, Andrew L.: OSI: The Internet That Wasn’t, IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News, 30.07.2013, <https://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/osi-the-internet-that-wasnt>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Braman, Sandra: Privacy for Networked Computing. 1969-1979, The Internet Policy ans Politics Conference, Oxford University, 2010, <https://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/ipp-conference/sites/ipp/files/documents/IPP2010_Braman_Paper.pdf>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Mueller, Milton: ICANN and Internet governance, in: Info 1 (6), 1999, S. 497–520. Online: <https://home.uchicago.edu/~mferzige/muell.pdf>, Stand: 25.07.2016.

Part 3 : The World Wide Web, from Cern to “Web 2.0”


Berners-Lee, Tim: Information Management. A proposal, w3.org, 1989, <https://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal.html>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Andreessen, Marc: Getting Started with NCSA Mosaic, in: Software Group. National Center for Supercomputing Applications, 08.03.1993. Online: <ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gvu/mosaic-info/html/getting-started.ps>, Stand: 25.07.2016.
Barlow, John Perry: A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 20.01.2016, <https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence>, Stand: 28.07.2016.
O’Reilly, Tim: What Is Web 2.0, O’Railly Media, 30.09.2005, <http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html>, Stand: 28.07.2016.

Research papers

Haigh, Thomas: The Web’s Missing Links. Search Engines and Portals (Preprint), tomandmaria.com, 2007, <https://www.tomandmaria.com/Tom/Writing/WebsMissingLinksDRAFT.pdf>, Stand: 03.08.2016.
Auray, Nicolas: L’Olympe de l’internet français et sa conception de la loi civile, in: Les Cahiers du numérique 3 (2), 01.01.2012, S. 79–90. Online: Cairn.info, <http://www.cairn.info/resume.php?ID_ARTICLE=LCN_032_0079>, Stand: 28.07.2016.
Trédan, Olivier: Le serveur de pages personnelles Mygale, in: Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société (115), 15.05.2014, S. 31–43. Online: terminal.revues.org, <http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/terminal.244>, Stand: 28.07.2016.
Eppink, Jason: A brief history of the GIF (so far), in: Journal of Visual Culture 13 (3), 01.12.2014, S. 298–306. Online: vcu.sagepub.com, <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1470412914553365>, Stand: 28.07.2016.
Brügger, Niels: Web History and the Web as a Historical Source, in: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 9, 2012, S. 316–325. Online: <http://www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de/2-2012/id%3D4426>, Stand: 28.07.2016.

Empfohlene Ressourcen von Nutzern

King, John Leslie; Grinter, Rebecca E.; Pickering, Jeanne M.: Grandeur et décadence d’Arpanet. La saga de Netville, cité champignon du cyberespace, in: Réseaux 14 (77), 1996, S. 9–35. Online: <https://doi.org/10.3406/reso.1996.3733>, Stand 13.04.2018.